Íslendinga saga - définition. Qu'est-ce que Íslendinga saga
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Íslendinga saga - définition

Íslendinga saga         
Islendinga saga; The Saga of Icelanders
Íslendinga saga (Saga of Icelanders) makes up a large part of Sturlunga saga, a compilation of secular contemporary sagas written in thirteenth-century Iceland. The terminus ante quem of the compilation is disputed (between the options 1308 or 1353).
Klári saga         
Klári saga is one of the chivalric sagas of medieval Norway. Ostensibly derived from a Latin poem which Jón Halldórsson, Bishop of Skálholt, found in France, it became a prototype of the maiden king medieval Icelandic bridal-quest romances: it seems to have been the earliest of these, and was followed by many more.
Brjáns saga         
Brjáns saga (also Brjánssaga) is a hypothetical early specimen of Old Norse literature. According to the hypothesis, certain episodes in Njáls saga and Þorsteins saga Síðu-Hallssonar drew on this lost saga.